Romans 8:18 (ESV)
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are
not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Call it the “light at the end of the tunnel” effect. Isn’t
it amazing how much adversity we can stand if we can see an end to it? if we
see that something really positive will come out of it? if the short-term sacrifice
results in long-term gain?
I am thankful for heaven, and not just heaven someday. I am
thankful for heaven right now because of the sure knowledge that I am loved,
forgiven, and immortal. St. Paul took a lot of abuse in his long ministry, but
the bright glow ahead pulled him forward: “I consider that our present
sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”
(Romans 8:18). The stooped and frail elderly will stand up straight. The
muscles of people with fibromyalgia will never shriek with agony again. There will
be no more suffering from cancer. The blind will never again be in the dark
24/7. The deaf will hear and make music. Amputees will regain their limbs, and
my friends with disabled legs will run like deer.
We don’t have to get everything now. So much of the
pressure on our lives is the terror that we’re running out of time, have
limited resources, and feel cheated if we don’t get all the experiences other
people have. I am thankful for heaven, where time, friends, and adventures will
have no limits.
After our first week there, you and I will say to each
other, “Totally worth everything to be here.”
Dear Lord, we thank You for Heaven that is waiting for us.
We thank You that those that have gone before us are there with You now. In the
Name of Jesus, Amen.