On Wings Of Eagles

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The future

Matthew 28:20 (ESV)
Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

People are nervous about the future these days—especially with the covid-19 pandemic. They are not confident that we can get a handle on it, that their job will hang on, being quarantined will there be enough food and will the retirement account come back.

But Christians are promised a future that depends on something far better than economics or politics. The Lord over the universe, Jesus Christ, promises that he is always with us!

As the disciples were getting their last glimpses of Jesus, they were not sure what life would be like after he left them. Matthew tells us that “some doubted” even when they saw him face to face.

Jesus put their doubts about him and the future to rest by assuring his followers that through faith in him, their future would be secure. He said, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” In other words, their worries and concerns would not necessarily go away, but his followers needed to base their trust in the promises of the Savior alone.

As for us today, this means …

Using the technology that we have to go and make friends for Jesus, because our life belongs to him. Witness and celebrate as new believers move from darkness to light. Teach future disciples of Jesus to work for the future as the Lord goes with us.

Dear Lord, help us not to worry about circumstances we cannot control. May we trust our future to You alone as the firm foundation of our life. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The lonely

Psalm 68:6 (ESV)
God settles the solitary in a home;
    he leads out the prisoners to prosperity,
    but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.

The lonely—widows, orphans, prisoners, the homeless—what can be done to ease their sense that no one cares? Ultimately, God in his love is our dwelling place. As “a father to the fatherless,” he adopts us as his children. He defends the widow, sets the lonely in families, frees prisoners, and puts a song in their mouths.

When God led Israel through the desert wasteland of the Sinai Peninsula after freeing them from Egypt, he scattered their enemies and refreshed his weary people. And in his law He made special provisions for widows and orphans, for foreigners, visitors, and all who were poor.

To be a part of the people of God, the church of Christ, heirs of the promise, recipients of salvation—this is a great, great blessing. There are people who think of Christ’s church as boring and a waste of time. They go to worship once or twice and soon give up. But they miss the fellowship that they could enjoy—the fellowship of all who share in God’s deep love and grace, made possible through Christ’s sufferings for all who believe. God’s caring people have a heart for those who are suffering.

Are you following God’s example and caring with compassion for others today?

Dear Lord, may we reach out with Your love to people who are all around us and lonely. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Waiting on God

Psalm 119:81 (ESV)
My soul longs for your salvation;
    I hope in your word.

The psalmist cries out again for God to rescue him from his enemies. They have tried to trap him; they have tried to persecute him without cause. On the brink of despair, the psalmist is in crisis, “like a wineskin in the smoke.” Normally wineskins are soft and flexible, but long exposure to smoke makes them brittle. From abuse, the psalmist feels he is about to crack.

Pounding on heaven’s door, the psalmist cries out: Where are you, God? “When will you comfort me?” “How long must your servant wait? When will you punish my persecutors?” Rescue me from these troubles, now!

But it seems God is silent.

Did you notice the psalmist’s reaction to this? He doesn’t reject God or turn away from him. Instead, the psalmist’s ­trials stoke his passion for God and for growing closer to God by meditating on his Word. In God’s Word the writer finds assurance of God’s unfailing love—and this, he says, makes him want to please God by living an obedient life.

Though our troubles may or may not be as difficult as the psalmist’s, we all experience waiting for God. And while we wait—resting on God’s ­promises—we have an opportunity to grow in following and serving the Lord.

In his time, God will answer. Will we seek him through his Word and continue to obey while we wait?

Dear Lord, we wait for you, and as we wait, help us to grow in trust and obedience. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Refuge and strength

Psalm 46:1 (ESV)
God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present help in trouble.

The first words of this psalm announce its theme: God is our refuge—our fortress and shelter. God is also our strength, our help—the one who deals with the perils surrounding us. And because God is our refuge and help, we have nothing to fear, even if nature throws its worst tantrums at us.

A group of Jesus’ followers feared for their lives in a storm one day, out on a boat in the middle of a huge lake. Then their Teacher stood up and said to the wind and the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind quit; there was dead calm. “Who is this?” they asked. “Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (See Mark 4:35-41.)

The Lord Almighty was in that boat as their helper; the God of Jacob was their refuge.

Our faith is always being subjected to storms and earthquakes. Where can we find safety and security? Listen to Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way. . . .”

There is a certain and trustworthy basis for our faith—the God who made us and everything in our world. In all circumstances, no matter how terrible or frighten­ing, our unchanging God is our refuge and strength.

In what ways has God been your refuge and strength?

Dear Lord, we know you are God. Help us to remember this when our worlds shake and our hearts tremble in fear. Shelter us, Jesus, in your strong, safe arms. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

God's GPS

Proverbs 3:5 (ESV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.

The statistics are out, and it doesn't look good. According to a national survey of car owners, nearly 60 percent of drivers in the United States get lost a few times each year. Imagine! But you don't have to live in the U.S. to know the helpless feeling of being disoriented. I regularly get lost in other parts of the world too.

Experts maintain that getting lost wastes our time, energy, and resources. Sometimes it can even put us in danger. Their advice is simple: before you go anywhere, make sure you have the right directions--or, better yet, a global positioning system (GPS) for navigating.

As we look at our spiritual journey: its beginning and destination, its sharp turns and slowdowns, its challenges and blessings let us remember that Scripture gives us a crucial piece of advice for every successful journey of faith. Before we can start "driving," we have to fully trust the Lord. The Bible often calls the Lord our Shepherd. In today's terms, we could say God is our GPS. Trust in this GPS, and you'll never get lost!

The Lord warns us against thinking we are smart enough to figure out our own way. He doesn't even want us to follow other belief systems. He tells us to turn to him in every part of our spiritual journey. If we acknowledge the Lord's leadership, he will make our path straight and see us through.

Dear Lord, we are lost and disoriented without You. That's why we turn to You for direction in our spiritual journey. Guide us and make our path straight. In the Name of Jesus we pray,  Amen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Saint Patrick's day

2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

“Patrick, is an intensely human person and not a plaster saint to admire from afar. He offers us a Christian vision of life honed out of his own experience and trials. He offers us a challenge to live our own Christian life today in changing and turbulent times. He comforts us when we are criticized and ridiculed. He gives to us the Celtic vision of the intimate presence of God in creation, in the Church, in people and in Scripture. He is a model for us, giving us an example to follow as we struggle to live authentically our own Christian lives in our own difficult times.”

Patrick’s life and ministry teach us to be open to the call of God in our lives. His beginning in Ireland did not dictate his future but it drew him into a love relationship with Jesus Christ. His relationship with Christ helped him to overcome adverse circumstances in his teen years. His ability to draw close to God and forgive had a dramatic impact on the Irish people and the success of his life. His willingness to follow God’s call made him a hero of the faith.

Lets learn from this man of God and ask our self a few questions, “Am I willing to draw closer to God in turbulent times? Am I willing and able to forgive those who have caused pain in my life? Am I willing to follow the call of God and even give my life to those who enslaved me? If you do you could become a hero of the faith like Patrick.”

If you learn to be like Patrick you have the benefit to really start living right were you are at. You really start to live when you take your eyes off the circumstances of life and draw closer to God. Then you will learn to recognize God’s voice. This spiritual maturity will lead you out of bondage and slavery to freedom. Then as you continue to draw closer to God through study, prayer, and spiritual disciplines you will be called upon by God to do a ministry for Him. Who knows maybe you could win an entire nation to Christ? Maybe you could win a generation to Christ? Maybe you could win your family to Christ? The benefits to you will be eternal and the most rewarding thing you could do with your life.

Dear Lord we pray that we would let You use us Like Patrick did. We pray that we may be the beginning of winning our generation to Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Playing and Praying

Isaiah 11:8 (ESV)
The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra,
    and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den.

Maybe you’ve heard the expression “The family that prays together stays together.” We might also like the sound of something similar: “Folks who play together stay together.” I’m fascinated by the idea that healthy families experience a sense of play.

The Bible has very few references to play as a childhood pastime. And the picture in Isaiah 11 isn’t mainly about families and relationships having a sense of play. It’s a picture of peace that is promised with the coming of Jesus, the righteous One who comes from the family tree of Jesse. It’s about the peace Jesus brings so that hateful enemies become good friends and dangerous animals can be led by little children.

Yet in the scene from our text, peace is demonstrated in play. The baby need not be snatched away from the cobra. The young child can rattle the snake! What a playful scene! It’s a welcome, delightful scene of healthy, wholesome relationships.

It’s a description of the church, which is made up of people once alienated from God and each other, and now at peace. It’s a picture of people playing innocently, with no desire to harm, hate, or hurt. It’s a picture of people playing not to win or to crush a rival but to honor their Creator. Who knows? Playing together may even lead to praying together.

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of play. Thank You for the ability to catch a ball, walk a woodland trail, or solve a word game. In the Name of Jesus,  Amen.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Romans 12:6 (ESV)
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith.

In the film Chariots of Fire, an Olympic runner named Eric Liddell says, "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast, and when I run, I feel God's pleasure." Later in the movie he says, "To give up running would be to hold God in contempt." Author Rick Warren uses this illustration in one of his books to say that using our gifts and talents makes God smile.

In Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 the apostle Paul tells us that God gives his people a variety of gifts "according to the grace given us"--or, as Jesus puts it, "according to [our] ability" (Matthew 25:15). No Christian is without gifts or talents.

Some of God's people go through life convinced they have no gifts or talents, and as a result they keep standing on the sidelines. Others--like one man in Jesus' parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30)--have buried their God-given abilities, afraid to use them. Still others refuse to use their gifts because they think they are not as gifted as some others.

God wants us to discover our gifts, develop them, and use them for the good of others and to his glory. No gift or talent is too insignificant for God. And God expects our churches to allow everyone to use the gifts they have been entrusted with. God wants no one left behind. That makes God smile!

Dear Lord, we thank You for the gifts You have entrusted to us. Help us to use them and to encourage others to use their gifts for You. May we all glorify you. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Psalm 34:3, 8 (ESV)
3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
    and let us exalt his name together!
8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
    Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

I read a story about a dear saint that was looking forward to her 100th birthday. Deafness made it challenging to communicate, but her radiant smile invited her Pastor’s best efforts. She reported, “Pastor, I can’t hear, but I can read and I can eat.” When he suggested that Psalm 34 might be one of her favorites, she broke into a wide smile and quoted, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”

Glorifying our Creator is a great privilege that God has given us. But doesn’t that keep him at arm’s length? God is high and lifted up! We, the creatures of his hands, are far different from the almighty, all-knowing God. Even so, we long to be in relationship with him.

The psalmist refuses to think that God’s glory puts him at an unapproachable distance. He speaks at the same time of both glorifying and enjoying God. Enjoying God speaks of closeness and intimacy. We are invited to glorify the Lord and yet also to taste his goodness.

So we live in a holy tension with God. Never so distant as to avoid intimacy, never so close as to lose our sense of awe, we both glorify and enjoy our God— because God himself comes to be present with us.

The church tells us that the very purpose of our lives is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Standing in awe of the God who loves us only increases our enjoyment of his goodness to us.

Dear Lord, You are indeed high and lifted up, Your glory fills the place of Your dwelling. Thank You for becoming so real and close to us that we can enjoy You. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, March 9, 2020

51 years

March 9th 1969 as a 7-year-old boy I gave my heart to Jesus. To celebrate the 51 years of my walk with the Lord I wanted to share 51 things that God has blessed me with. This is just a small list of the many things HE has done for me.

 1. God gave me an amazing wife to be my perfect companion as we serve God together.

2. I had a great mom and dad who taught me to love
the Lord.

3. I have a furnished home we can call my very own.
4. My car gets me everywhere I need to.
5. I have wonderful friends.
6. I am never lost thanks to the GPS on my phone that knows how to lead me home.
7. I live in the USA where it’s not considered a crime to preach the Word of God.
8. I am able to learn as much as I please.
9. My closet is full of my favorite. I even have enough to give away.
10. I had great grandparents.  
11. Food has never been scarce. In fact, I can eat all day long.
12. I have a little extra money to go have fun.
13. My bed is full of blankets and pillows for the ultimate sleep.
14. I can remember some of the most fun adventures of my life by looking at photos.
15. I have had great dogs that loved to see me after a long day at work.
16. I am very capable of doing anything I put my mind to.
17. I get to express and voice my opinions without being locked up in jail.
18. I have a great flock of Chickens.
19. My parents told me “no” when I needed to hear it.
20. Whenever I feel lonely, I have my bible and my friends are just one phone call away.
21. I can listen to my favorite songs on the radio and sing to them even though I’m not good.
22. I was able to go on a mission trip and spread the Word of God because He has called me to do so.
23. A hot shower is always something I look forward to.
24. I know where to go if I need help.
25. Our annual family vacations created amazing memories.
26. I have been brought through times of extreme pain.
27. I graduated from College.
28. Moody Bible Institute gave me a great foundation.
29. So many people including friends and family have given me so much to help me out.
30. I’m blessed because I get to work with children and youth throughout the years.
31. Heaven is my home.
32. I have been given leadership abilities.
33. My workshop. The place where I can be alone and be as loud or quiet as I want and create things.
34. I still have my childhood friends thanks to Facebook.
35. The technology of the CPAP machine that helps me sleep.
36. Nature has given me a glimpse of God.
37. I know that not every day is a bad day.
38. Forgiveness is a real thing and I am able to do it.
39. I am thankful for my phone that is keeps me organized.
40. I have a powerful tool called prayer.
41. I have a future, even if I cannot see it.
42. Many people have helped and influenced me to become the person I am.
43. Thankful that everyone is different so it makes me unique. This reminds me to just continue being me.
44. I can write and share God’s love.
45. I have been given 58 wonderful years of life.
46. My childhood was fantastic. I got to run barefoot and wild.
47. God gave me two wonderful brothers.
48. God gives me a new day to grow closer to Him and share His love.
49. Family dinner time once a week.
50. It's a blessing that the darkness can never dull any light.
51. God’s love that never fails.

Sunday, March 8, 2020


Hebrews 8:5 (ESV)
They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.”

If you walk along a city street on a bright, sunny day, you will come across shadows. The shadows won’t really affect your walk. For example, you can walk through the shadow of a light pole because you know it is just a shadow of the pole. But it does make you aware that there is a light pole near you.

The priests that God ordained under the old covenant served in a tabernacle (and later a temple), that was like a shadow, or a copy, of what is in heaven, says Hebrews. That tabernacle and those priests were there in order to point to the real tabernacle in heaven and the real High Priest, Jesus Christ, who works on our behalf to save us from our sin and gives us new life forever with God.

Jesus represents the new covenant, and his work is far superior to that of the priests of the old covenant. Jesus is the real deal. Unfortunately, people got lost looking only at the shadow instead of looking to the real work of God in their lives and worshiping him as the only true God.

Jesus Christ came into the world so that we would no longer need the temple priests to intercede for us; he himself intercedes for us.

And he has made the perfect sacrifice, providing forgiveness of sins once and for all. Instead of looking at shadows, we are called to look to Jesus.

Dear Lord, help us to keep our eyes on You, knowing that You provide all that we need for salvation and for our full life forever. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Holy Spirit

Acts 2:2 (ESV)
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.

Today was a very windy day here in Central Florida.  If you’ve experienced a heavy windstorm, you know the power and strength of wind. It’s somewhat strange; you can’t see the wind, but you certainly can detect its power in the way leaves are blown around and tree branches bend and break.

Both the Hebrew and Greek languages convey vivid images of the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament Hebrew word for God’s Spirit (the “Spirit of Yahweh”) means “spirit” and “breath.” The New Testament Greek word also means “spirit” and “breath,” as well as “wind.”

In the story of Nicodemus, Jesus points out that the Spirit of God is like a wind that blows where it pleases; while lacking shape or form, the Spirit definitely has a will. And a person’s will is a key aspect of their personality.

Jesus’ likening the Holy Spirit to wind or breath also echoes the Spirit’s power as the life-giving force of creation. And Jesus makes clear to Nicodemus that the Spirit gives life to people who are spiritually dead.

The story of Pentecost not only represents the awesome power of God’s Holy Spirit; it marks the beginning of a new era. From Pentecost onward, the Spirit breathes new life into the spiritually dead, moving them to follow the risen Lord Jesus.

How is the Holy Spirit blowing in your life today? Listen for the Spirit’s breathing and moving as he gives you opportunities to be a witness for Jesus.

Dear Lord, breathe on us the breath of God, fill us with life anew, that we may love the way You love, and do what You would do. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, March 2, 2020

We must protect our joy

Philippians 3:1 (ESV)

Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.

Joy is a precious gift. It is so precious that it must be protected from forces that suppress it. In fact, Paul’s tone exudes urgency as he calls believers to be vigilant about guarding their spiritual birthright.

The words “rejoice in the Lord” can also be interpreted to mean “let the Lord be the one who makes you happy” or “find your joy in him and in him alone.”

The great threat to real joy is the belief that joy is either a reward for good work or the fruit of a combination of God’s love and human achievement.

The Bible, however, directs us to ask, “With what shall I come before the LORD … ?” (Micah 6:6).

The answer is “Nothing—nothing but my sin and emptiness.” I have nothing that deserves the Lord’s reward and his joy.

Joy is a gift, the fruit of salvation in Jesus Christ. The Bible considers any other perspective a betrayal of the gospel.

No wonder Paul says, “Watch out.” God desires that we place our confidence in the gracious character and loving work of Jesus Christ alone.

The psalmist says, “Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man’s behalf! … Come, let us rejoice in him” (Psalm 66:5-6).

Be vigilant in protecting your joy in Jesus Christ!

Dear Lord, protect us from believing that human achievement can refine your gift of joy. Help us to praise Your name, rest in Your love, and trust in You alone as Savior. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.