Romans 13:12 (ESV)
The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us
cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.
It’s an age-old question in the faith community: Should
Christians celebrate Halloween? I read a great article dealing with the origins
of Halloween and the issues of Christians celebrating it. They compare it to
the issue in the Bible of eating meat sacrificed to idols. They also raise the about
Christmas trees. The Christmas Tree was originally part of a festival to a
fertility god. Does this mean that if we have a Christmas Tree, we are
worshiping the fertility god? No, because of its cultural context. I do know of
some Christians who don’t have Christmas Trees, for that reason. It is a matter
of personal conviction.
I found this illustration you can use as you carve a
pumpkin with your children.
Being a Christian is just like a pumpkin! Let me try to
explain, I brought this pumpkin here to help me illustrate what I mean.
(Proceed to carve the pumpkin.)
First, God picks you from the pumpkin patch and brings
you in from the field. The Bible says He selects us out of the world. We are in
the world, but no longer of the world.
He then washes all the “dirt” off the outside that we
received from being around all the other pumpkins. All the outside influences
of our former life must be cleaned up. Old things are passed away and all
things are become new.
Then, He carefully removes all the “yucky stuff” called
“sin” out from the inside. Look at this! Yuk! Sin will not have such internal
power. He then changes us from the inside out by the Power of His Word. That’s
why it is important to go the church and learn about God’s Word.
He carefully removes all those seeds of doubt, hate,
greed, and fear. He replaces them with the seeds of faith, hope and love. After
Jesus is invited inside, you begin to experience the changing power of God’s
love in your life.
Then He carves a new smiling face. Our countenance is
changed by the power of His presence in our life. We then become so grateful.
It can even show on our face!
Now we are going to light this candle inside. Look! This
pumpkin now reflects the light from inside out. So too, when Jesus, who is
called the Son of Light, lives inside of us, He shines through our life for all
to see. We can let His light reflect through us to reveal His presence. “Let
your light so shine before men that they may be able to see your good works and
glorify your Father, who is in heaven.”
So you see, we Christians are really like this pumpkin!
We will never be the same with Jesus inside of us. We can say like this
jack-o-lantern, “Thy presence, my light!”
Let us close this devotion with a prayer based on carving
a pumpkin.
Dear Lord, open our minds so we can learn new things
about You. Remove the things in our life that don’t please You. Forgive the
wrong things we do and help us to forgive others. Open our eyes to see the
beauty You’ve made in the world around use. We are sorry for the times we ‘ve
turned our nose at the good food you provide. Let everything we say please You.
Lord, help us show your light to others through the things we do. In the Name
of Jesus, Amen.