On Wings Of Eagles

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What is your purpose?

Luke 4:43 (ESV)
But he said to them, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose.”

What is our purpose for living on planet earth? Is it for working, eating, sleeping, and from time to time, having some fun, whatever this means to us. Are we truly fulfilled?

Or were we created for more?

I wonder what it means to walk in Jesus' footsteps.

It's true that we tend to focus on ourselves, but what do we do about others, especially when they feel dejected, abandoned, with no hint of hope? Too often we act according to this parable that is circulating on the African continent:

One day Jesus asked each one of his disciples to pick up a stone to carry for Him. Naturally, John picked up the largest stone he could find. Peter, however, had a different perspective on this. He picked up the smallest pebble he could find.

Jesus led them to a mountaintop. Once there, the stones were transformed into bread. Jesus encouraged them to eat what they had been carrying. John had plenty, but Peter was left hungry. He eyed John with pitiful eyes. John didn't hesitate to share his good fortune with his friend.

Had the disciples learned anything that day? Let's find out.

Many weeks later. Jesus asked again his disciples to carry a stone for Him. This time, though, He led them to the River Jordan, and this time, He asked them to cast their stone into the river. Every one of His disciples looked befuddled. What was the meaning of this? These stones were quite heavy, and I am certain you can guess who picked up the biggest one this time. Now each one of them had no choice but to throw their stone into the river Jordan and see it sink out of sight.

The one who had carried the largest stone couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

Jesus turned to him and his fellow disciples and looked them each straight in the eye: "Who did you carry the stone for?"

Why are we followers of the Most High? Who are we serving?

Once we realize that, we will have a better idea what the Kingdom of Heaven truly means.

Now this question still remains: Who do you do this for?

Dear Lord, help us remember why we do things. Help our focus be on doing things for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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