Matthew 6:24 (NIV)
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the
one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the
other. You cannot serve both God and money.
There are those who rely on their own ingenuity to obtain
the necessary funds to cover their ministry's monthly budget. Then there are
others who instead rely completely on God to provide for all of their needs.
One begs, the other prays. Which of these two sets an example of total trust in
In our daily lives we do exactly the same. We have, after
all, bills to pay, and due to adverse circumstances, there are times when we
find ourselves completely penniless, wondering what to do with our mushrooming bills.
Here too, we can use our own resourcefulness to get out of our penurious
situation, or we can pray and trust in the Lord.
In all honestly, it is much easier to trust in ourselves.
But sooner or later reality will catch up with us, and we will realize that we
cannot always provide for all of our needs!
It's interesting that our battleground often involves the
"almighty" dollar, or whatever the currency in your country is
called, and money concerns do, indeed, consume much of our time. "That's
life," many conclude. But it doesn't have to be that way! Jesus wants us
to wake up from our stupor and realize there is much more to life than this!
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the
other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot
serve both God and money." (Matthew 6:24, NIV2)
Every day we face the decision: who will I truly trust?
We either devote ourselves to money or to God. The two cannot go together!
Interestingly, right after verse 24, Jesus elaborate this
crucial point: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what
you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more
than food, and the body more than clothes?" (Matthew 6:25, NIV2)
In other words, when we put our trust in the Lord, our
money worries are unwarranted. This is confirmed in Jesus' words a few verses
later: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33, NIV2) Thus, the way
out of our money worries is to focus on God! He will provide!
Raj Kumar used to be a successful Computer Networking
Professional. One day while attending a Christian Leadership Conference in
Nairobi, Kenya, God called him to begin a fulltime ministry amongst people
living with HIV/AIDS, or "PLWHA" in short. He was completely
surprised, as he had never taken any interest in these people. Also, leaving
such a lucrative career would be suicide. How would he be able to make ends
Raj decided to follow God's lead, and as a result, his
dad asked him to get out of the house. Nonetheless, Neolife mission was
created, and care is now being provided to the PLWHA in India. Sadly, most of
these inflicted with HIV/AIDS are rejected by their family and friends, and
they often find themselves alone, with no respect and no means to support
themselves. In the end, they end up dying without hope. Even though the whole
world may seem to hate them, our God still loves them dearly. This is why Raj
gave up his career: To bring hope to the hopeless.
One of his big problems was where to find the necessary
funds to sustain such a ministry. He decided to follow Jesus' example. After
all, all Jesus' needs were provided by His Father! "By myself I can do
nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to
please myself but him who sent me." (John 5:30, NIV2) So whenever he found
himself in need, Raj prayed, and every time, God provided. Never once has he
ever had to put out a call for funds. His Heavenly Daddy knows his every need,
after all, and that is all that counts.
The PLWHA are being cared for and many have come to know
the hope that comes from the Risen One. With a board of eleven members, along
with numerous volunteers, Neolife Mission is effectively making a difference in
this world. Their exemplary trust in their provision from above attracts the
hopeless like never before. After all, God's Kingdom is a Kingdom of power, and
not just in word only!
So now we need to ask ourselves who will we trust?
Dear Lord, we first of all want to thank You that we can
put our trust in You completely. We pray today that we would not try and do
things on our own but come to You and trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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