Philippians 2:5-11 (NIV)
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same
mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider
equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made
himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human
likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by
becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted him
to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at
the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the
earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
A story is told about William "Speedy" Morris,
who was head coach at LaSalle University from 1986 to 2001. As the story goes,
during a year in which LaSalle was having a pretty good season, Coach Morris
was shaving one morning when the phone rang. His wife answered it and called
out to him that Sports Illustrated wanted to talk to him.
Coach Morris was excited that his team was apparently
about to receive national recognition in this famous sports magazine. As a
matter of fact, he was so excited that he cut himself with his razor.
Covered with blood and shaving lather and running
downstairs to the phone, he tripped and fell down the stairs. Finally, bleeding
and bruised, he made it to the phone and breathlessly said, "Hello"?
The voice on the other end asked, "Is this Speedy
"Yes, yes!" He replied excitedly.
Then the voice continued, "Mr. Morris, for just
seventy-five cents an issue, we can give you a one-year subscription to Sports
We are often disappointed to find out that someone else doesn't think we are as important as we think they ought to! Paul had something
to say about this:
“For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone
who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think,
but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.” (Romans
We’ve heard a lot in the past couple of decades about the
importance of boosting the self-esteem of children in school, with the idea
that getting rid of low self-esteem will help children to be happier and have
better grades. And I fully appreciate the fact that some children (as well as
some adults) do have poor self-esteem and view themselves as worthless, which
is a bad thing. Paul doesn't say that we need to have a poor view of ourselves,
just that we need to have a “sober” or “sensible” view of ourselves.
But what seems to be a bigger problem in our society is
high self-esteem – people who think of themselves as more important than they
truly are. Strangely enough, I don’t hear anyone talking about that problem!
But Jesus did. He spoke a lot about the need to develop an attitude of
humility, and he let us know that we find a right view of ourselves by seeing
ourselves as servants. Jesus not only taught that view of self-esteem, but he
demonstrated it.
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ
Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5)
Dear Lord, help us to find our self-esteem in you. Help
us understand our great value in your eyes. We ask that You forgive us when we
try to elevate ourselves over others who are equally as valuable. In Jesus’
name, amen.
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