Matthew 22:37 (NIV)
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
For today's Bible blog I am going to use my Facebook greeting I wrote for my son's birthday.
Happy Birthday Ron.
Being your dad is the greatest privilege in the world.
You’re 26 years old today. It seems like yesterday that I
was the proud first time dad bringing you home form the hospital.
It’s exciting to see how God has taken my DNA and your
mom’s DNA to create such an amazing young man.
I Love your compassion and gift of mercy.
I love that you are so strong and competitive.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and
strength, and love your neighbors as yourself. These truths, combined with the
strength of your wonderful character, have the power to change the world.
These are not original thoughts, but there are none
better to build your life around. The God who fearfully and wonderfully formed
you in your mother’s womb deserves every ounce of your love and affection.
Throughout life’s challenges, He will always provide, never steer you wrong,
and empower you to fulfill a destiny that’s exceedingly above all you, or
anyone, can think or imagine.
God has a purpose and plan for your life Ron. Leave your
mark by following what God has for you. Never will there be another Ron Yahr
III. Never will someone else impact the lives you have and will in the future
as only you can. Imperfect though you will be, learn to appreciate your weaknesses,
as it’s in them that you will experience God’s greatest strengths.
I can’t wait to see what your future holds, the joys and
challenges that await you, the legacy your life will create.
I Love You Son,
Dear Lord, I thank You for the gift of children. Today as
I celebrate the birthday of the son that You have given to us we are thankful
for the blessing that he is to not only to us be to those all around him. We
pray that You will continue to lead, guide and protect him as he continues to become
the man You have planned for him. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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