On Wings Of Eagles

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Saturday, June 11, 2016

It made a difference to that one!

Luke 19:17  (ESV)
And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant!  Because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.’

I am sure you have heard this story before but it has such a good lesson for each of us I wanted to use it today.

A young man once went to the beach. There, he saw miles and miles of starfish washed up on the sand. “If these starfish stay out here during the heat of the day,” he thought, “they'll die.” So he began picking up a starfish at a time as he walked and throwing them back into the ocean.

An elderly man also walking along the shore approached him and said, “Do you mind if I ask young man, what are you doing?” “I'm throwing these poor starfish back into the ocean so they don't die in the hot sun,” the youth replied. “But what difference can you really make,” said the old man, “Look at this beach -- there are thousands, maybe millions, of starfish here!”

The young man chuckled as he threw yet another starfish into the sea. “Well -- it made a difference to that one!”

“Faithful in a very little”, the Word of God says! It is faithfulness in the little things that the Lord rewards mightily!

The world is like those millions drying out in the hot sun – and we have reach out to those the Lord has put in our path! If we all do our share, the job will get accomplished! There's so much work to be done!

Dear Lord, help us be the one to reach out to those that are drying out in the sun. Use us to reach them today. In the Name, of Jesus, Amen. 

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