Matthew 13:45-46 (ESV)
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in
search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and
sold all that he had and bought it.
I read a story that is a beautiful interpretation of
Jesus' parable of the pearl and we wanted to share it with you.
In Matthew 13, we see that a merchant sold all that he
had to purchase a single pearl. But why, of all things, a pearl? As a jeweler,
I would question the choice the Lord made -- choosing to leave the Father's
side for a pearl instead of what I would think has much greater significance,
the much coveted diamond. You may know that the diamond is graded in value
according to the 4 C's, Cut, Color, Clarity & Carat-weight. The answer to
my pondering was right there! The diamond receives a substantial portion of its
value from the way a person cuts it -- the work of man's hand! Interestingly,
the only natural gemstone that has more value when it is found than when men
finish with it is the PEARL!
In the same way, we can add nothing to the work of
Salvation! God has paid the price for us in full -- and a tremendous price it
was. The God of glory, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords left all the
splendor of Heaven to claim this pearl. And He gained it by paying a price that
was far more precious than any of us could pay.
Sometimes we get so busy and we don't take time out
consider this incredible work of God in our lives. He has bought us with a
price. We are fully paid, fully ransomed, fully redeemed! We are the pearls of
great desire!
Dear Lord, help us always take the time to consider the incredible
work that You have done for each of us. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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