Proverbs 18:22 (New International Version)
He who finds a wife finds what is good
and receives favor from the LORD.
I woke up on August 23, 1985 a single man and ready to start the adventure they called marriage. That was 26 years ago today and I continue to count my blessing each and every day for the special gift God has given to me.
I certainly have found what is good! The best honor I can do for Becky is to continue to pray for her.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this life, for the gift of love, and the blessing of our marriage. We give you praise for the joy you've poured into our hearts through this love, for the contentment of family, and the happiness of our home. May we always treasure the experience of loving each other in this holy union. Help us to remain forever committed to our vows, those we made to each other, and to you, Lord.
We will need your strength daily Lord, as we live together with the goal of following and serving you. Develop within is us the character of your Son, Jesus, that we might love each other with the love he demonstrated—with patience, respect, understanding, honesty, forgiveness and kindness.
Let us always be there to support each other—a friend to listen and encourage, a refuge from the storm, and most importantly, a warrior in prayer.
Holy Spirit, guide us through the difficult moments of life and comfort us in our grief. May our lives together continue to bring glory to you, our Savior, and testify of your love.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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