Acts 24:16 (New International Version)
So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God
and man.
March 18, 1937. The date is chiseled on dozens of
tombstones in in New London, Texas. On the fateful day,
some 1200 students were in attendance at the town's only school. At 3:10 pm,
just twenty minutes before the end of the school day, the shop teacher flipped
off the electrical switch to the power saws. Suddenly, a spark from the switch
touched off an explosion and the entire stone building was leveled. The blast
killed 297 students and teachers. It was heard some 35 miles away in Tyler and
Kilgore Texas.
A subsequent investigation found that a spark had ignited
some 6,000 cubic feet of natural gas that had accumulated in the basement the
school. A nearby oil company had an oil pipeline close to the school. Someone
had decided to siphon the natural gas, the by-product of petroleum extraction,
from the company's pipeline to fuel the school's furnace free of charge.
The one positive effect of this disastrous event was a
government regulation requiring companies to add an odorant to natural gas. The
distinctive "rotten eggs smell" of sulfur is now so familiar that we
forget natural gas is actually odorless.
Just as the odorant in natural gas warns us of danger, a
guilty conscience can warn us of sin in our lives. We need to heed this warning
and seek always to keep a clear conscience before God and man.
Do you have a guilty conscience? Confess it to our Lord today.
Dear Lord we confess our sins to You. Please make any wrong in us today right. We
want to have a clear conscience before You and man. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
I didn't know that this was why we added smells to gas, but I did know we did that. It's a shame this happened, but it's good that something positive came from it.