Matthew 7:24 (New International Version)
everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a
wise man who built his house on the rock.
The Point Reyes Light Station was built in 1870 at Point
Reyes, California, approximately 30 miles northwest of the entrance of San
Francisco Bay. Originally, the light was to be built at the top of the point.
However, due to concerns that the light would be obscured by fog, the light was
built 275 feet down the bluff at its present location. To reach the light, you
must descend 304 steps on the headland from the plateau. The top of the lantern
is 37 feet above the ground and the focal plane of the light is 294 feet above
sea level. Point Reyes is, by official records, the windiest and foggiest on
the Pacific Coast. It is also just a few miles from the San Andreas Fault, the
active earthquake fault that runs through California. During the 1906
earthquake, which leveled many buildings in San Francisco, the entire Point
Reyes Peninsula and the lighthouse moved north 18 feet! The only damage to the
lighthouse was that the lens slipped off its tracks. Thirteen minutes after the
earthquake, the lighthouse was once again in working order. Why was there such
little damage to the lighthouse? The engineers had the forethought to bolt the
sixteen-sided structure to solid rock.
Our strength and safety comes when we stay attached to
our firm foundation, Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord we thank You for being our foundation. We pray that we would build our life upon the
foundation that You give to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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