Ephesians 4:15 (NIV)
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to
become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is,
Roy Robertson was a soldier at Pearl Harbor in 1941:
"My ship, , docked at Pearl Harbor on the evening of
December 6, 1941. A couple of the fellows and I left the ship that night and
attended a Bible study. About fifteen sailors sat in a circle on the floor. The
leader asked us to each recite our favorite Scripture verse. In turn each
sailor shared a verse and briefly commented on it.
I sat there in terror. I couldn't recall a single verse.
I grew up in a Christian home, went to church three times a week, but I sat
there terrified. I couldn't recall a single verse. Finally, I remembered one
verse - John 3:16. I silently rehearsed it in my mind. The spotlight of
attention grew closer as each sailor took his turn. It was up to the fellow next
to me. He recited John 3:16. He took my verse! As he commented on it I sat
there in stunned humiliation. In a few moments everyone would know that I could
not recall from memory even a single verse. Later that night I went to bed
thinking, 'Robertson, you're a fake.'
At 7:55 the next morning I was awakened by the ship alarm
ordering us to battle stations. 360 planes of the Japanese Imperial Fleet were
attacking our ship and the other military installations. My crew and I raced to
our machine gun emplacement, but all we had was practice ammunition. So for the
first fifteen minutes of the two-hour battle, we only fired blanks hoping to
scare the Japanese airplanes.
As I stood there firing fake ammunition I thought,
'Robertson, this is how your whole life has been - firing blanks for Christ.' I
made up my mind as Japanese bullets slammed into our ship, "If I escape
with my life, I will get serious about following Jesus." Roy Robertson did
get serious. He became the first missionary of "The Navigators" and
did a lot of work with Billy Graham as well.
Are you growing mature in the Lord or are you firing
blanks for Christ?
Dear Lord, help us examine our walk with You today. Help
us to seek to grow deeper in maturity with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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