Romans 5:8 (ESV)
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us.
I read about how the "King of Abyssinia once took a
British subject named Cameron prisoner and incarcerated him in the high
fortress of Magdala. No cause was stated for his confinement. When Great
Britain found out, she demanded an immediate release of her citizen. King
Theodore refused."
According to the story, within days Great Britain sent
several thousand soldiers by ship to Magdala. After marching across unfriendly
country for many miles, they attacked the fortress and rescued that one British
subject. "The expedition took several months and cost the English
government twenty-five million dollars. The entire resources of the government
were made available in the rescue of only one citizen."
Just think if the government of Great Britain was willing
to spend twenty-five million dollars to save one of it's citizens, how much
more does God want to save you!
Dear Lord, we thank You for the price You paid to save
each and every one of us. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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