Isaiah 58:11 (ESV)
And the Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy
your desire in scorched places
and make your
bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring
of water,
whose waters do
not fail.
One of the great marvels of the Roman Empire was the
invention of the aqueduct system to provide water over vast distances. It was
an absolutely ingenious method which made use of gravity, with stone arches to
support the water channels. An aqueduct was built in 109 AD which carried water
to the city of Segovia for eighteen hundred years. For nearly sixty generations
this aqueduct provided cool water from the mountains above. But fairly
recently, it collapsed.
A well-intentioned citizen, observing the ancient
structure, remarked, "This aqueduct is so great a marvel that it ought to
be preserved for our children, as a museum piece. We shall relieve it of its
centuries-long labor." So the city decided to construct a modern water
system with iron pipes to carry the water, intending to give the aqueduct a
long-deserved rest. What they failed to realize, of course, was that attempting
to preserve the aqueduct by stopping the flow of water through it, assured its
rapid disintegration! As the sun beat down on the now dry mortar and stone, the
centuries old structure quickly began to fall apart. Amazingly, nearly two
millenia of service would not accomplish the destructive work of less than a
century of idleness!
This story ought to really encourage us in Kingdom work...since,
continuing to allow Jesus' living water to flow through us, we are constantly
renewed and preserved, rather than drying up with idleness and atrophy.
Dear Lord, we pray that we would always allow Your living
water flow through us. Help us not get dried up and useless for You. In the Name
of Jesus, Amen.
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