James 3:8 (ESV)
But no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless
evil, full of deadly poison.
Nothing gets us into more trouble than our words. Taming
the tongue is the most difficult task a person will ever take on. There is just
an impulse in us to say things that we will regret later. James tells us that
the tongue is like a rudder that steers a large ocean liner and spark that sets
off a huge forest fire. Taming the tongue requires discipline, self-control,
and help from the Holy Spirit.
There doesn’t seem to be a lot of self-control when it
comes to what people say, nowadays. In fact, the news is full of the rash and
rude things the leaders of the world say or tweet. We’ve lost our ability to
tame our tongues. The bible says “out of the mouth (read tongue) the heart
speaks.” What people say is a reflection of what is truly being thought in
their mind and felt in their heart.
It’s amazing how a small part of the body can cause so much
havoc. James calls it a restless evil. That means it doesn’t like staying idle;
it needs to be in motion. The problem is the more it is used, the more damage
it becomes. Self-control is something we need to be praying for when it comes
to our tongue. Left unbridled it will spew poison all over the place.
If you struggle with what comes out of your mouth, it is
essential that you ask God for help in this area. It might even be necessary
for you to have a more mature saint come alongside you to mentor you and keep
you accountable. Pray for forgiveness for the things you have said, seek to
reconcile those who you have wronged, and ask for self-control in this area.
You will find that this brings with it a sense of freedom you haven’t felt in a
while. Taming the tongue is a mark of maturity.
Dear Lord, give us the strength that we need to tame our
tongue. Give us the people in our life that can help lead and guide us in this
struggle. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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