John 20:29 (ESV)
Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen
me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
As he prepared his followers to live faithfully after his
return to heaven, Jesus addressed the challenge of doubt and unbelief. Thomas
was a realist. He knew that resurrections were not everyday events, and he
feared that his fellow followers of Christ might have gotten it wrong. He
wanted evidence. He demanded proof.
It’s easy to criticize Thomas for his doubts, but the truth
is that many of us live with similar hesitations. After all, Jesus is no longer
on earth for us to see and touch. We cannot have the same experience as the
first disciples who walked with him after his resurrection. So we need Jesus to
prepare us for the challenges of skepticism and doubt in our own lives.
What does Jesus say to struggling followers? “Stop doubting
and believe.” We may not have the opportunity to feel the wounds of the cross
with our own hands. But we have the testimony of lives changed by the Lord’s
power. We can seek out the fellowship of other believers in the church and be
encouraged by their words. And we can watch for the glory of Christ to appear
around us, joining in with Thomas’s beautiful confession: “My Lord and my God!”
May the ascended Christ prepare you today to meet the
challenge of doubt with the blessing of faith.
Dear Lord, it is sometimes hard to believe. We live in an
age of doubts and lies, and our human minds constantly demand proof. But we
believe; save us from unbelief! Fill us with faith. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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