Psalm 139:16 (ESV)
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that
were formed for me,
when as yet there
was none of them.
I had a cataract removed from my right eye this week and it
made me think about the eye. Have you
ever had the wonderful experience of being present when a baby was born? Maybe
you were there for the birth of your child, a grandchild, or another family
member. You watched those little eyes light up or, more likely, struggle to
stay open as they adjusted to bright lights. The baby saw the real world for
the first time, a dramatic change from the view inside the womb.
Researchers say that a baby’s eye sockets begin to form in
the fifth week of pregnancy, but the eyelids will not open until the seventh
month. Even after birth, the eyes and their relationship to the brain continue
to develop. Our Creator God definitely knows us as individuals before we are
born. Life is a continuous process of growth and development in God’s care,
even in the womb. He knows us and loves us even before our parents realize
we’re there. That’s how much God pays attention, even to you and me. As God
told the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before
you were born I set you apart” (Jeremiah 1:5).
As our eyes continue to open up to the world around us, we
will not only gain knowledge of the created world but also of its Creator. We
will then be able to live our days according to the way ordained for us,
written in God’s book.
Dear Lord, thank You that we are “fearfully and wonderfully
made.” Open our eyes to see You and know You as our Lord and Savior. In the Name
of Jesus, Amen.
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