On Wings Of Eagles

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Thoughts During Our Youth Pool Party

1 Corinthians 9:24-25 (New International Version)
24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

Today we had our annual KBC Youth ministries swim party.  As I sat back and watch as the youth Ate hamburgers , jumped, splashed and just had a great time It made me think of one of the greatest US Olympians (Besides Freddie)  US swimmer Michael Phelps. He makes millions of dollars in endorsements. He has been on cereal boxes, appeared on late night talk shows and Got Milk commercials. He will never be lacking in funds. He’s got an amazing story.

As we look at him we can learn some important lessons

1. Never Give Up
On a Friday afternoon; Phelps beat Milorad Cavic by 0.01 seconds. He had lost the race, it was virtually over, but Cavic decided to finish by reaching for the wall off the strength of his legs. Phelps pushed one last time, and the last half stroke propelled his arms forward. That one last push was heard around the world.

2. Be Patient
When he was 11, swimming experts predicted that Michael Phelps would one day rule the world of swimming. He’s 27 now, so for more than 16 years he’s been in the pool. He’s been patiently training and growing and learning under his mentor, Coach Bowman. He practically grew up in a pool and now we, the world, are seeing the dividends of that willingness to work hard all those years.

3. Do What You Were Born to Do
Outside of the pool, he’s kind of a goofball. When you see him in interviews, you are not struck by the degree of fear and dread he seems to give his competitors. But in the water, he’s a machine. Every part of him seems sculpted with a purpose, and that purpose is to win gold medals. You can’t help but watch him swim and feel you are watching someone do what they were born to do.

What great lessons we can learn even when sitting by a pool watching young people have the time of their life. Never give up, Be patient and Do what God has designed you to do.

Dear Lord we thank for life and for the things before us.  We thank You that You have a specific plan for each one of us, we pray that we would strive to do our very best to accomplish that plan. In Jesus name, Amen.

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