On Wings Of Eagles

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Thursday, February 26, 2015

God's miracle

Genesis 1:27 (NIV)
So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

Tundra, Glacier and Juneau sit atop a white furry rug tucked into an old fashioned red baby sleigh. These beautiful Inuit babies, all snug in their beaded, fur trimmed parkas, pants and boots look and feel just like the real thing even though they are only dolls. Designed and handmade by an artist from Alaska they radiate pride of workmanship, love and skill. Each one is so uniquely different from the other, yet so much alike with their liquid brown eyes, tawny skin and thick black hair. What a wonderful gift to be able to create such lifelike models of the real thing, what a feeling of fulfillment and joy each one must have brought to the heart of their craftsman.

As you look at those three dolls it reminds us of the fact that each and every one of us is a miracle. A miracle meant to radiate the pride of workmanship, love and skill emanating from the likeness of God within us. I am awed by the thought of how God must have felt when He created the first man and woman, and how He must rejoice and be glad beyond compare each and every time a new baby is conceived, carried to term and born. For He who created our inmost being, He who knit us together in our mother’s womb, He who viewed our frame when we were being made in the secret place, He is the one who loves us more than life itself. Therefore should it not make sense that when we who are created by the Lord God of all creation, choose to accept and love ourselves for the wonderful miracle which we are, should this not be one of the greatest praises of all which we can offer up to our Heavenly Father? And yet how often do we despise our humanity, our failures, our bodies, our minds, our personalities and our genetic make- up? How often do we forget that it was for this our Savior died; for fallen, fragile, yet still gloriously god-like humanity?

Today we each have a brand new opportunity to share in a miracle: the miracle of the creation of us. We have a fresh start to offer God the highest of praises as we choose to embrace the joy He feels in each and every one of us, with whom He shares his life giving breath. Today we get another chance to praise or reject the workmanship of our creator’s hand. Let us choose wisely.

Dear Lord, thank You for the way You fearfully and wonderfully made each one of us. Give us joy in the life you have breathed into us, that we might in loving both You and ourselves learn to love our neighbors with the same love You have for them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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