Isaiah 43:1 (New International Version)
But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created
you, Jacob,
he who formed
you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned
you by name; you are mine.
On Valentine’s Day isn’t it fun to dig through a bag of
those little candy hearts that have the words printed on them? They say cute
little things like “SWEET”, “CUTE” or “HUG ME”. But the one that I like the
best says, “YOU ARE MINE!” In honor of the one I call “Mine” I want to share a
paraphrase of I Corinthians 13 (the love chapter)
If I teach Sunday school classes, volunteer for the student
ministry but do not love my wife, I am only as a resounding gong or a clanging
cymbal. If I have a college degree, high-paying
job, and successful career, but do not love my wife, I am emotionally and
spiritually bankrupt. If I have faith so
I can move mountains, am quick to pray
for those in need, and even have half the Bible memorized,
but do not love my wife, I am disobedient and do not please God. If I help keep a spotless house, maintain a
well-manicured lawn, and supply nutritionally balanced meals for my family, but do not love my wife, it is all for
naught. Hired hands can do as much.
Lord, help me to be patient. Help me to be kind. I pray that I will not envy those who have
seemingly more than us. I pray
that I will never
try to lift myself up
by putting my wife down. Lord, I
pray that I will not be a proud man
who refuses to listen
to his wife, who always has to
have the last word, who always thinks his way is best.
I pray that I will not be rude to my wife with curt comments, disregard
her needs, or be ungrateful for all she does and is, but treat her with respect
and honor that the Queen of the castle deserves.
I pray that I will
not be self- serving, always thinking
about what is best for me, but thinking
of what would be best for my wife.
I pray that
I will not be
angered easily, not hold a
grudge, keep a record
of wrongs, not plan ways to
retaliate, and not use my tongue as
a weapon to cause pain. I
pray that I will not rejoice and say
"I told you so" when things
don't work out the
way my wife
Lord, above all, I pray that my wife will see me as her
chief supporter who desires to rejoice with her in her victories, both big and
small. That she will see me as the one who longs to protect her and our
marriage and our love. Help me create a
warm and loving environment in which she feels safe, wanted, and revered. I pray that you will give me endurance when
things get tough. Lord, I know that love never fails and that You
never fail. Fill me with
Your Holy Spirit and
give me the
endurance to stand
under trials and love
my wife no matter the circumstances, as you would have me love her --
till death us
do part!
Dear Lord we pray today for those that You have given us
to love. We pray that we would love them with the Love that You have designed.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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