Genesis 19:14 (New International Version)
So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were
pledged to marry his daughters. He said, “Hurry and get out of this place,
because the Lord is about to destroy the city!” But his sons-in-law thought he
was joking.
One morning a certain man called Ngaunje went hunting in
the forests northeast of Thyolo in Malawi. He was so lucky because it did not
take long for him to kill an antelope. Upon being satisfied with his hunt, he
started off home. On his way back he used a short-cut route which passed by old
settlements of the Maravi Kingdom. Accidentally he fell into an old well
together with the carcass of the animal he had killed. He cried for help but
nobody could hear him since the pit where he had fallen in was so deep.
Some hunters heard the crying voice of Ngaunje as they
were passing near the accident area. They had a palm leaf rope. They threw a
rope in the old well where the victim was and issued instructions to him. They
told him to cling to the rope himself if he wanted to be saved. Ngaunje did not
want to leave his hunt behind. He clung to the saving palm leaf rope together
with the antelope. His weight plus that of his meat made the rope to break as
men were trying to pull him out. The saving hunters were tired of the victim's behavior.
They eventually left him dying in the pit for he did not want to be saved by
neglecting the saviors’ instructions.
When the two angels came to the city of Sodom prior to
its destruction, Lot welcomed them in his house and broke a feast in their honor.
The city inhabitants came to Lot's house demanding the release of the people so
that they could sodomise them. Lot offered his two daughters to the rebellious
and sinful city men but that did not work. This really showed that SODOM was
full of iniquities. The angels cursed the people who sat at Lot's main house
door with blindness.
Later on Salvation was announced in the family of Lot
when the two messengers of God told Lot that God would destroy the city
therefore him and his family members should go out of the city. The nephew of
Abraham obeyed God's message of salvation by spreading it to his sons in law,
daughters and the wife.
The two sons in law of Lot ignored the salvation message.
When God destroyed SODOM will fire those sons were not spared despite being
among the saved family member.
As Lot, his wife and two daughters were escaping
destruction the wife ignored the advice from the angels not look back and she
became the pillar of salt. This was done in the course of her salvation.
Dear Lord we thank You for the salvation You have for
each of us. We pray that we would share that with those around us. In Jesus’
name, Amen.
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