Philippians 3:10, 12 (NIV)
10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his
resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his
death, 12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at
my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold
of me.
In honor of Super Bowl Sunday I thought it would be fun
to look at the church using some football-speak theology.
Backfield-in-Motion - Making a trip to the back (restroom or water
fountain) during the service.
2. Bench warmer - Those who do not sing, pray, work, or apparently
do anything but sit.
3. Blitz - The rush for the restaurants following the closing
4. Personal
Foul: Standing inside the church door
complaining to the pastor about the sermon.
5. Extra point -
What you receive when you tell the preacher the sermon was too short.
6. Fumble - A
lousy sermon.
7. Halftime - The
period between Sunday school and worship.
8. Illegal motion
- Leaving before the benediction
9. Instant Replay
- The preacher loses his notes and falls back on last week’s illustrations
10. End Run -
Getting out of church quickly, without speaking to any guest or fellow member.
11. Staying in the
Pocket - What happens to tithes and offerings aren’t given to the Lord’s
12. Sudden Death - What happens to the attention span of
the congregation if the preacher goes "overtime."
Sometimes in our Christian Life we get knocked down but as
Paul shares in today’s verse we must press on.
During a Monday night football game between the Chicago
Bears and the New York Giants, one of the announcers observed that Walter
Payton, the Bears’ running back, had accumulated over nine miles in career
rushing yardage. The other announcer remarked, “Yeah, and that’s with someone
knocking him down every 4.6 yards!” Walter Payton is one of the most successful
running back ever even though he got knocked down many times. The secret was
that he kept getting back up. Even the best – gets knocked down. The key to
success is to get up and run again just as hard.
Paul acknowledged that he was not yet there. But he was
moving in that direction. Each day he drew closer because He had the desire, and
was disciplined, He was determined, dedicated, committed and focused, He was
willing to deny himself,
And he was developing godly character distinction.
With the drawing of his last breath he crossed the goal
line of glory. The time clock sounded and he had won the game. Paul was a Super
Bowl Christian. Waiting for him on the other side was a prize…A prize greater
than any super bowl ring. For Paul there
would be crowns that will last for eternity.
And it can be that way for us!
Today Super Bowl XLVIII
will be over. In the end one team will
emerge victorious. A trophy will be
rewarded, Rings will be presented, Cash will be given, Glory will be bestowed, and
Advertising contracts will be awarded. One team will have bragging rights for a
Yet today a greater game of importance is being played,
and you are a key player on the field. You have the opportunity to play for
eternal rewards. You can win a prize that will never dim. The outcome is up to
Will you choose to be a bush league Christian, or will
you choose to become a Super Bowl Christian.
Dear Lord, we thank You for the abilities that You have
given to each of us. Help us today to use them in a manner that is pleasing to
You. Help us be Super Bowl Christians.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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