Matthew 15:30-31 (NIV)
30 Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the
blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and
he healed them. 31 The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the
crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the
God of Israel.
I found this story about seven-year-old Annie Clark? She
goes to Wilson Christian Academy. She won a penmanship contest ...
and $1,000. The award is especially meaningful since Clark was born without
hands. She writes by moving the pencil with her forearms.
Pretty impressive, don't you think?
Well, this story isn't about Annie Clark. Yes, she is
special, but the real special folks who touched me are her parents: Tom and
Mary Ellen.
The couple has nine children: three biological kids and
six who were adopted from China, including Annie. She is one of the four
adoptees who have special needs, which affect their hands and arms.
Mary Ellen said, "Each time, we weren't looking to
adopt a special-needs child, but that is what happened. This was the family God
wanted for us."
Tom said, Annie is "an amazing little girl. It's a
shame because society places so many rules on how people should look, but the
minds of these kids are phenomenal."
Truly, little Annie is special; but her parents are more special.
Here is a couple whose love of the Lord is so big they
find it a blessing to welcome into their family children who have been avoided
and shunned by others. Then, having done what others might think is extraordinary;
they show the Savior's love by teaching those children that God will do great
and wonderful things for and with them.
These are the kind of people who remind me that the Lord
Jesus can do great things if we let Him work in us and through us.
After all if the Lord can help Annie Clark win a
penmanship contest, what can't He do with all of us?
Dear Lord, thank You for specializing in doing what we
humans consider to be impossible. We ask that You to grant us the grace to set our
limitations to the side and be empowered to do something special through You
today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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