Matthew 28:20 (NIV)
Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
In the early 1980s a Christian young woman
who was languishing in deep spiritual, mental and emotional torment. Wrote a letter to God:
Dear God,
Where are You? How can You watch and not help me? I hurt
so bad, and You don't even care. If You cared You'd make it stop or let me die.
I love You, but You seem so far away. I can't hear You or feel You or see You,
but I'm supposed to believe You're here. Lord, I feel them and hear them. They
are here. I know You're real, God, but they are more real to me right now.
Please make someone believe me, Lord. Why won't You make it stop? Please, Lord,
please! If You love me You'll let me die.
A Lost Sheep
Many Christians are filled with such confusion that their
daily walk with Christ is unfulfilling and unproductive. When they try to pray,
they begin thinking about a million things they should be doing. When they sit
down to read the Bible, they can't concentrate. When they have an opportunity
to serve the Lord in some way, they are brought up short by discouraging
thoughts of self-doubt.
Having found freedom, "The Lost Sheep" penned a
response to her own prayer based on her new understanding of God's provision in
My Dear Lost Sheep,
You ask Me where I am. My child, I am with you and I
always will be. You are weak, but in Me you are strong. I am so close that I
feel everything you feel. Be crucified with Me and I will live in you, and you
shall live with Me. I will direct you in paths of righteousness. My child, I
love you and I will never forsake you, for you are truly Mine.
Love, God
We are never alone. Have you wandered away from God
today? He is right where is always has been, come back to Him with open arms.
Dear Lord we thank You for always being there. Help us
not let the business of life get in the way. Thank You that even when we wonder
You are their ready to welcome us back. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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