Hebrews 8:11-12 (NIV)
11 No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one
another, ‘Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me,
from the least
of them to the greatest.
12 For I will forgive their wickedness
and will
remember their sins no more.”
Scripture says if you are in Christ, you are a new
creation. My question is are you?
A lawyer moved into the community, hung out his shingle,
and buried himself in his new practice. In the morning the townspeople saw him
walk to work; in the evening he reversed the process. He was always alone; his
head always hung low, and his shoulders always stooped. Even more, his face
always seemed to show a sense of ongoing and profound sadness.
One day the lawyer confessed to a Christian artist that
when he was just starting out, he had committed a grave error. That sin from
yesterday was still, even now, weighing him down. The artist listened, but he
gave no guidance or suggestions ... at least not then.
Weeks later, he invited the lonely lawyer to come to his
studio and see a newly completed painting. The attorney arrived and was
surprised when he saw himself in the picture. Yes, it was his likeness, but it
was somehow different. In the picture he had his shoulders back, his head
lifted up, and a look of hope was shown in his smiling face.
Behind him in the background of that picture was a hill,
and on that hill, an empty cross. At the foot of the cross had been placed,
along with many others, a great, heavy package. The artist was implying that
the lawyer had left his burden at the cross. At the cross he had found
forgiveness and peace, which had made him a new creation.
The artist affirmed the lawyer's interpretation of the
But the artist went deeper when he pointed to the other
packages at the cross. “These,” he said, “were packages that once belonged to
other people.” Although he didn't identify which one, the author acknowledged
that one of those boxes had been his.
The boxes were different in size and content, but they
had this in common: they had all been left at the cross.
That picture is one for all of us since all of us need to
know that when Jesus is your Savior, when your sins are washed away, you become
a new creature. Now I don't know what that good news does for you. I can tell
you what it did to the lawyer.
Carefully, he considered, “Is this how God wants me to
look? Can burdens really be left at the cross? Is it possible?”
Then, having had the Holy Spirit give a “yes” answer to
all of His questions — by the power of God's grace — the lawyer became a new
My question is are you?
Dear Lord, thank You for carrying the sins of the entire
world to the cross. Since Your work has been successfully completed, help us give
all our sins for You to carry. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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