Ephesians 2:14 (NIV)
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups
one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.
In 1992, an Arab terrorist drew a knife among the throng
of shoppers in a Jerusalem marketplace and managed to stab two young Jewish men
before fleeing for his life. The crowd of Israelis, incensed, began running
after him, a number of them drawing pistols as they ran. The Arab darted across
the street, running straight towards a Bella Freund, a forty-year old Jewish
In a split second, she sized up what was happening. She
stood in front of him for 27 minutes while people kicked and punched her; one
even burnt her with a cigarette as they tried to get to the terrorist. Finally,
the police arrived and took the Arab into custody. Later, when the reporters
got to her, Bella Freund said: "It was very simple. If you can save a
life, you do it." Her hatred of Arabs, her lifelong conditioning never to
touch a man who wasn't her husband, all of it was set aside in a split-second
of truth. "I could not see a helpless man killed by a mob, whatever he had
done," she said. "That's not the way I was brought up. I had to be a barrier for him.”
There was a barrier between us and God. It was called sin. Jesus saw the barrier of sin that divided us from God and voluntarily stepped in and broke the barrier so we could have peace with God.
Dear Lord, we thank You for destroying the barrier of sin
and giving us peace in Him. Help us share that great news today. In Jesus’
Name, Amen.
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