John 16:33 (NIV)
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the
The news is filled with stories of people in desperate
Many of us know people who are in danger of losing their
Ed Roslonski, of Detroit, is a man who lost his home. But
Ed didn't lose his home to a foreclosure. One day, Ed drove home, and his house
wasn't there. He says, "I drove up and down the street three times --
(asking) where is my house?"
Ed's home had been scheduled for demolition when he
purchased the"fixer-upper." In an effort to improve the house and
make the city a better place to live, Ed put $30,000 into making necessary
Then, somehow, someone placed his home back on the list
of places scheduled for demolition.
Somebody put it on the list, and nobody took it off.
That's how Ed's house disappeared one day. It disappeared without a trace.
Like Job, like the writer of the book of Lamentations,
like many folks, Ed could say, "for these things I weep, my eyes flow with
tears . . . . "
But that is where the similarity ends. We who have been
blessed to be called to faith in the Savior can never say the "comforter
is far from me . . . The enemy has prevailed."
Truly, in our Savior we have been given a peace, which
passes human understanding. We know through Jesus' innocent suffering, death,
and resurrection we are victors; indeed, we are more than conquerors through
Him who loved us.
Dear Lords, in this world of sorrow and tears we are
thankful for Your sacrifice and resurrection that has made us victorious. May we
live our days praising You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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