On Wings Of Eagles

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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Defined or refined?

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1 Peter 1:7 (ESV)
So that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

The book of Job teaches us so much about suffering, especially when it comes to the battle for our minds. We see two responses to our suffering: one that curses God and one that praises Him (Job 2:9-10). We also learn the importance of tuning out the voices of those who offer advice inconsistent with God’s word. You must understand the important role these two components play in your ability to face and overcome adversity.

I once read that we’re not DEFINED by our circumstances, merely REFINED through them.  Simply put, in the unpredictability of life, we earn battle scars, but those scars only tell part of the story. We each have a choice: relive the battles over and over in our minds, contemplating how great our lives WOULD have been or acknowledge the pain we have endured and the lessons we are learning through our suffering, and ultimately, in our pursuit of wisdom and humility. Our choice between these two responses is found in our posture before the Lord.

One causes us to see everything in life happening TO us. The other allows us the grace to see our adversity as something FOR us. We endure the refining fires in hopes of reflecting an image more closely aligned with our Savior. (1 Peter 1:7) For this reason, the voices speaking into our lives hold the upmost importance. Surround yourself with those who understand the purpose of trials and will encourage you in the perseverance of your faith (James 1:2-4). Take one day at a time, allowing others to speak truth into your life. Never lose sight of how God’s Word is the lamp at your feet (Psalm 119:105). In the darkest seasons of life, press into scripture and cling to the truth that will illuminate your path.

Dear Lord, when things get tough help us to dig into Your word and hang on to the truths that are there for each of us. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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