On Wings Of Eagles

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Monday, July 1, 2019

What went wrong?

22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.

When we find ourselves facing the most challenging circumstances in life, our first instinct tells us to assess the situation. We ask ourselves the most obvious questions: What went wrong? How did I get here? What do I do now? Almost immediately, we want to fix the problem or correct our course. Often times, however, the more we try to change our circumstances, the worse they get. We lose sight of this simple truth: God is constantly at work, even when we make some of our worst mistakes. 

In my own life, the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made were the direct result of taking my eyes off God. I might try to find something, or someone, to blame for my circumstances, but the responsibility was mine. There are also times when life just throws you an unexpected blow, completely out of your control. You feel the air escape your lungs, unable to take in your next breath. No matter the reason, we first need to ask ourselves this question: What does God have for me in the situation?

Throughout scripture, the Lord has proven himself faithful to his children. However, His faithfulness has never precluded us from hardship. In fact, it’s in these trying times where we see His faithfulness shine so brilliantly, maybe because we need it so desperately. We might find it difficult to see God’s work in our lives, but trust He is at work. Place your eyes upon Him through His unchanging word. Let your lips lay before Him petitions for His help and guidance, as well as praise for the work He is already doing in you and through you. Let your ears be filled with music from His kingdom, mediating on those sweet refrains offering solace in your time of need. Seek Him and trust in His faithfulness, because He most certainly has something for you in this season. Wait for it.

Dear Lord, help us to not take our eyes off of You. Thank You that You use everything on our life to mold us into the person that You have planned for us. Help us stay faithful to You. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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