John 10:11 (ESV)
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Sheep are not very intelligent animals. In 2005, shepherds
in Turkey watched 1,500 sheep walk off a cliff because the neighboring
shepherds were not paying attention for a few minutes. Sheep are also
defenseless. They don’t have horns, stripes, or speed to use as protection or
for disguise. Sheep need a shepherd, because without one, they are an easy
target for whatever predator gets to them first.
You also need a shepherd to guide you through life on the
path to heaven. Trying to find your own path will lead to a terrible place. By
nature, you won’t wander toward God but away from him. Following the crowd is
dangerous too. Unless they know the true God, they are as lost as you are. You
are also defenseless against the attacks of Satan. He is like a roaring lion
looking to devour you. Temptation is always lurking for you, waiting to pounce
like a tiger in the tall grass. Like sheep you are dumb and defenseless. Like
sheep, you need a shepherd.
Thank God you don’t have an ordinary shepherd, but the Good
Shepherd, Jesus. He said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down
his life for his sheep.” You would have ended up in hell on your own, but Jesus
laid down his life for you, his sheep, to lead you into heaven. Satan had his
sharp teeth and piercing claws ready to pounce on you, but Jesus destroyed the
devil on the cross. He has no power over you. He is no longer a threat to you
because of Jesus.
Rest secure. Each day when you wake up ready to face
everything the world is going to throw at you, remember that you have the Good
Shepherd watching over you. He will lead you in paths of righteousness. He will
not let any harm come to you that he will not work out for your good. Yes,
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is YOUR good shepherd.
Dear Lord, we pray that Your will be done. Destroy the work
of the devil and his demons. Stop all of those who oppose Your Gospel. As the
Good Shepherd, guide and guard me. In the Name of Jesus,
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