Ezekiel 36:26 (ESV)
And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will
put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give
you a heart of flesh.
"I guess I was born that way--that's just the way I
am." Some people say things like this to claim that any tendency is okay
as long as you were born with it. They figure you can't help the way God made
you. If you are stubborn or hot-tempered, you might claim that's just a family
Such thinking ignores a basic teaching of the Bible. There
is more to each human being than divinely created innocence. We are created in
God's image with many marvelous capabilities, but we have also been born with a
fallen, sinful nature. Sin twists our identity and personality from our very
first moments of life. The fact that some of my desires and habits go back as
far as I can remember does not make them right. I was born with a stone-cold
heart, and my natural tendency is to center on what I want rather than on what
God wants.
I can't change the way I am. But God can change me. God's
Spirit has given me a heart transplant. I was born sinful, but through God's
work I have been born again. I have a new life and a new identity in Jesus
Christ. Now I don't need to make excuses for the way I was born. Instead I must
live like someone who has been born again.
Dear Lord, we have never been innocent. Help us to stop
making excuses. Help us to leave our hard heart at the foot of Your cross, and rejoice
in the new heart You have given to us. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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