19 On the evening of that day, the first day of the week,
the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus
came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20 When he had
said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad
when they saw the Lord.
There is a story behind every scar that we have. Maybe it’s
a reminder of back surgery that has helped to walk again.
Perhaps a scar reminds you of an accident, and you’re thankful for the recovery
you have experienced. Some scars are emotional and psychological, reminding us
of deep hurts inflicted by others.
When appropriate, we should be willing to share the stories
of our scars. As we do that, we can show our gratitude, humility, and need for
community. A drawback to the popularity of social media today is that people
often portray their life as a bed of roses. It’s easy to share news about
vacations, happy family gatherings, and celebrations. But true fellowship
emerges when our scars are exposed in personal communication with others.
Today we see Jesus in one of his post-resurrection visits
to his disciples. And when “he showed them his hands and side,” his followers
were overjoyed as they recognized the Lord.
And what a story His wounds tell! He was not some
comic-book superhero who easily accomplished great feats. Rather, as we see in
Isaiah 53, Christ’s victory came through deep personal sacrifice. We are also
reminded of our sins, our transgressions. When we embrace these two
realities—Jesus’ wounds and our need—we find healing. Indeed, “by his wounds we
are healed”!
Dear Lord, our scars remind us of how vulnerable we are.
Thank You, Jesus, for making Yourself vulnerable for our sake and for providing
us healing. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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