John 14:28 (ESV)
You heard me say to you, ‘I am going away, and I will come
to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I am going to the
Father, for the Father is greater than I.
Goodbyes can be difficult. When family members visit from
far away, we are always disappointed to see them leave. “Why can’t they stay
longer?” Or when family moves to a new location, it leaves a hole in our life. “Why
did they have to move?”
Jesus’ disciples were similarly troubled by the prospect of
his going away. Who would now teach them about God’s kingdom? Yet Jesus insists
that his going away will be good for them.
Goodbyes come to us in various forms. We can experience the
loss of a career. We can move away from friends or family. We can lose a loved
one to death.
Jesus teaches that even in the face of such goodbyes, we
can experience peace and hope. The “prince of this world,” the devil, wants us
to be defined by our losses. But the Father is greater than all things. And
when we love Jesus, our lives are directed toward the Father rather than our
After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, the Spirit would
remind the disciples of these words. And then Jesus’ words about “going back to
the Father” made sense. Not death, but glory, is the future of those who obey
the Father’s will.
Jesus’ words point us to his destination—and to ours: full
life in the presence of God. We may still experience sorrow in the face of
loss. But we can rejoice as we see even death as a doorway to our heavenly
Dear Lord, remind us of Jesus’ words. Help us in the face
of loss to see our destiny with the Father, and to rejoice in the ruling power
of Jesus. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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