Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they
will walk and not be faint.
As I finish my 58th trip around the Sun and begin my 59th
trip, I continue to be amazed how I am truly blessed to have wonderful people around me.
Here are a few reflections from my birthday:
– I am grateful to God for his everlasting love upon me and
his unending grace that has transformed my life and taken me on an exciting life
– I am grateful for my Amazing Wife, my best friend,
girlfriend for life, prayer warrior, teacher and much more, who continues to
love no matter what, and challenges me to be a better man and desires the very
best for me
– I am grateful for my amazing sons who continue to bless
me with their daily lives, I am a better man and dad because of them
– I am grateful for my parents; without them I would not be
where I am today
– I am grateful for my brothers, their love for me is
inexplainable and they continue to challenge me to be a living example
– I am grateful for my in-laws; I am eternally grateful for
the day God made me a part of their family –blessing me with another mom and
– I am grateful for my mentors; I continue to strive to be
a better version of myself because you set the mark higher each day and you
continue to believe in me and encourage me even when I do not see much value in
– I am grateful for all those who allow me to mentor them,
they give me the opportunity to pass on my knowledge to them and challenge me
daily to live an intentional life
– I am grateful for my friends who continue to love me and
bring out the best in me
– I am grateful for those who have impacted my life in one
way or the other, my encounter with them have left an imprint in my life and
have led me down the path of living an intentional life
– I am grateful for those who have been impacted by me, I
desire to live an intentional life because of the blessing it will bring to you
– I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had; I
have been amazed at fact that life brings a lot of them into our paths and
every decision that we make has an opportunity with it
– I am grateful for all the challenges I have faced, they
have humbled me and made me a better version of myself
– I am grateful though my body is weak at times God
continues to give endurance and strength (as a side note I am grateful that I
made it through a year with no surgery)
– I am grateful for blessings in my life and to have the
opportunity every day to put a smile on people’s face and be a blessing
– I am grateful for my country, for giving me the good
foundation that I have and continue to build on
– I am grateful for this life that I live, it is not my own
and I give it all up to God for the higher calling for which I continue to
answer to
– I am grateful for the growth I experience on a daily
– I am grateful for you all as you read this and commit to
living an intentional life and being a better version of yourself
– I am grateful to God and his love for me
I have been blessed beyond measure by the people God has
placed around me, the places I have been, the experiences I have had and the
growth I continue to see in my life. I desire to make an impact in my world and
even if it’s for one person, I will be eternally grateful.
Thank you for celebrating with me!
Dear Lord, we thank You for the life that You give to each
of it. Helps us each day to remember the great blessings You give to each of
us. Help us to always strive to become the person you have for us to be. In the
Name of Jesus, Amen.
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