Proverbs 20:7,11 (NIV)
7 The righteous lead blameless lives;
blessed are
their children after them.
11 Even small children are known by their actions,
so is their
conduct really pure and upright?
The story goes like this.
At local newspaper machine there was a middle-aged lady.
She had a handful of quarters and was slowly buying paper after paper gently
closing the machine after each purchase. She smiled as she explained that her
daughter’s picture was in the paper to those around. She was getting copies for
all the members of her extended family.
When she turned to leave people noticed a hole in her
shoe and realized that the rest of her clothes had also seen better days. She
climbed into her rusty, 20 year old pick-up truck and after 30 seconds of
trying finally got it started. She smiled again and waved as she drove off.
She could have taken the extra papers she needed while
only paying for one. But she didn't She turned out to be one of the richest
people in the world.
I only wish that everyone in this world had this lady’s
wisdom and wealth. She was rich beyond measure in all the important things in
life. She was rich in honesty, integrity, goodness, kindness, cheerfulness,
joy, and love. She was rich in family and in friends. She was rich most of all
in oneness with God. It didn't matter if her truck was old, her clothes were
worn, and her dollars were few. She was rich in her heart and soul, and she
possessed within her the wealth of an entire Kingdom: the Kingdom of Heaven.
The next time you find yourself thinking and worrying
about money then remember that the real riches in this world can’t be bought.
They must be chosen in your heart, created in your soul, and shared in your
life. They are the love of God and the joy of living. And the more you give
them away the more you receive them back in this life and in the next.
Dear Lord, we pray today that we would have honesty,
integrity, goodness, kindness, cheerfulness, joy, and love in everything we do.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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