1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV)
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does
not boast, it is not proud.
I read this story about a new nurse. Here is how she
recounts her story.
I was given the report on my patient's condition for the
day. I was warned by the seasoned nurses about his anger. When I made my
rounds, I approached his room with caution. I was nervous and my guard was up,
wondering what to expect. Before entering the room, I gently knocked on the
I was greeted with a reserved, "Thank you for
As I made my assessment of his condition, I talked with
this older gentleman. He explained that he didn't like the way people came in
and out of his room with no respect for his feelings. My knock on the door let
him know that I respected his privacy. After this, throughout my shift, I did
my best to service him in ways that showed him respect.
I knocked before each entrance to his room; I carefully
explained each procedure before it was performed; and I listened as he talked
about his life. By the end of the day, he began to open up to me about his true
feelings regarding his illness.
The next day when I entered his room, he was very
chipper. "I have something for you, "he exclaimed. Then he gently
handed me a clipping from the newspaper that read: Love is. . . respect. He had
personalized the message to me by placing my name at the top and his at the
bottom. This new nurse was given a big lesson, through this patient.
I kept that clipping and I hung it on my bedroom mirror.
Each day as I looked in my mirror, it served me as a daily reminder to respect
What a great lesson for each of us. We all need a
reminder of what love is. That is why the apostle Paul wrote 1 Corinthians,
chapter, 13 It is known as the 'Love Chapter' of the Bible. There Paul lists
the various actions that love consists of. He does not say love is an emotion,
but as you read the list, you see that love is an action performed by a motive
to do the right thing. I like to read this chapter often, to remind myself how
to treat others.
Her simple action of knocking on her patient’s door
showed that she respected him. Who would have ever thought that such a simple
action would bring about a powerful change?
Do you show love by respecting others?
Dear Lord, help us show the respect to those around
us. Help them see our love through our
respect. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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