On Wings Of Eagles

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Sunday, December 20, 2015

The true Christmas tree

Luke 1:37 (ESV)
For nothing will be impossible with God.

How would you like to have a Christmas tree that blooms in your front yard every December?

"Impossible!" You might say.

Still such a tree does indeed exist. The Pohutukawa of New Zealand announces the arrival of Christmas every year by producing an abundance of bright red flowers from November to January. No wonder it is commonly called "the Christmas Tree" in New Zealand!
The Pohutukawa tree is quite a robust tree. Not only can it withstand heavy coastal winds, storms and saltwater spray, it also grounds itself in the stony ground with a thousand aerial roots. It literally cannot be shaken! The 800 year old tree clinging on the cliff of Cape Reinga is a typical example!

We are reminded at Christmas time what Mary faced when it was announced to her that although she was a virgin, she would be bearing a child. The very words of the angel were: "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

I love Mary's reaction. Instead of unbelief or utter resistance, she simply declared: "I am the Lord's servant... May it be to me as you have said." (Luke 1:38)

She, too, had to face turbulent weather when her fiancé doubted her purity. But she came through victoriously. Any why not? After all, God was with her!

Jesus reminds us also: "What is impossible with men is possible with God." (Luke 18:27)

Too often we limit God with our unbelief. We worry way too often and label many of our situations as "impossible" to resolve. I have news my friends! God specializes in the "impossible!"
The secret to experiencing God fully in this manner is in becoming like the New Zealand Christmas tree, which blooms brightly during the entire Christmas season, even though its existence is often mired with "impossible" circumstances. It never doubts its survival. It's firmly rooted on the rock!
We can also face our "impossible" situations if we remain rooted on the Rock! We can stand unabashed in the storms of our life because we are anchored on the One whose specializes in impossibilities. No need to worry, no need to fret, no need to be discouraged. God is with us! "They will call him Immanuel-which means, 'God with us.'" (Matt 1:23)

This is the real Christmas message. God is with us and because of this, we can expect miracles!

To experience Him fully however, we need to be grounded in the rock. Or in other words, we need to let Jesus be our Lord in life. We need to let Him be in control of all of our decisions: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5-6)
If we do, we will never be the same again, and we will start to bloom like the Pohutukawa tree. Bright red flowers will sprout, and they will remain not only for the Christmas season, but throughout our lives for eternity: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." (Gal 5:22-23)

Let us be the living Christmas trees that God wants us to be! Let God transform us in blooming individuals who can face the impossible.
We do indeed have a bright future with God at our side, "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37) Let's not be distracted by the storms of life that are temporary. Instead, let's concentrate on the eternal.

Be what God would like you to be!

Dear Lord, this Christmas season and throughout the year help us to be what You want us to be. In the Name of Jesus, Amen. 

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