Proverbs 3:5 (ESV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
A king was seated in a garden, and one of his counselors
was speaking of the wonderful works of God. "Show me a sign," said
the king, "and I will believe." "Here are four acorns,"
said the counselor, "will you, Majesty, plant them in the ground, and then
stoop down for a moment and look into this clear pool of water?" The king
did so, "Now," said the other, "look up." The king looked
up and saw four oak-trees where he had planted the acorns.
"Wonderful!" he exclaimed, "This is indeed the work of
God." "How long were you looking into the water?" asked the counselor.
"Only a second," said the
king. "Eighty years have passed as a second," said the other. The
king looked at his garments; they were threadbare. He looked at his reflection
in the water; he had become an old man. "There is no miracle here,
then," he said angrily. "Yes," said the other, "it is God's
work, whether he did it in one second or in eighty years.
Some of us are in need of answers today. We've been
crying out for the Lord and feel like He's not listening. But He is! And He has
a plan far greater than any of us could ask or think!
Be encouraged! Let's choose to trust that God has great
plans for us in the making, regardless of whether we can see them right now.
His timing is PERFECT!
Dear Lord, help our trust be in You knowing that Your
timing is perfect and You will bring Your perfect will at the perfect time. IN
the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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