On Wings Of Eagles

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Monday, September 5, 2016


Liberty Falls
Mark 11:26 (NASB)
But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.

Day eleven of our Alaska Adventure took us to Liberty falls State Recreational Site  located near Chitina in the Copper River Valley.

Today I thought we would look at the Eskimo word issumagijoujunnainermik. When missionaries first shared the gospel with the Eskimos, they couldn't find any word in the Eskimo language for forgiveness.  So, they took a number of Eskimo words and joined them to form a new word -- Issu-magi-jou-jun-nai-ner-mik -- and it became the Eskimo word for forgiveness. The individual words are "Not-being-able-to-think-about-it-anymore."

Too often we remember the hurt, replaying it over and over again in our minds. Forgiveness is not something we do just once.  It is something we must reaffirm every day.   Whenever a hurtful memory comes up, remember the word Issu-magi-jou-jun-nai-ner-mik, and say, "I can't think about it anymore, it's in God's hands."

Rather than replay the hurt you may have acquired, replay God's mercy, His grace, His love for us  -- when He freely gave His life. That will enable us to forget it and move forward.

Dear Lord, help to stop replaying the hurts that we have had but instead replay all that You have done for us and take a minute to share it with someone around us today. In the Name of Jesus, Amen. 

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