2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not
reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
One Sunday, a mother wanted to teach her daughter a
lesson. She gave her a quarter and a dollar. "Put whichever one you want
in the offering and keep the other for yourself," she told the girl.
Later, the mother asked her little daughter which she had given to the Lord,
the dollar or the quarter. "Well," said the girl, "I was just
about to put in the dollar when the pastor said that we should all be cheerful
givers. I knew I'd be a lot more cheerful if I gave the quarter, so I
Can you relate? We like to make sure we're all taken care
of. Then, if there's more left over after that, we're cheerful to give it. This
is a desire I think all of us fight. But God has called us as Christians to a
much greater faith. He has called us to think creatively about the ways we can
give to further His Kingdom. He's called us to give beyond our means at times
-- to take a step of faith and allow Him to show His faithfulness to us in
return. He has called us to seek His wisdom and hear His voice in every situation
– not just give the loose change that happens to be left over in our pockets
from our latest lunch outing.
Let's strive to seek God about our giving. Perhaps the
Lord is calling us to give in other ways than we've ever thought -- of our time
and effort or our possessions, an open home to a neighbor in need? Perhaps He's
calling us to give more than our regular tithe to our local church body. Whatever
the case, let's give cheerfully!
Dear Lord, thank You for all You give to us. Help us to give
with a joyful heart. In the Name of
Jesus, Amen.
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