Philippians 3:14 (ESV)
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward
call of God in Christ Jesus.
A life without a goal is like the captain of a ship
without a map and a compass. His ship will just drift aimlessly from day to day
hoping to arrive somewhere. The apostle Paul set for himself a goal! He pressed
forward in search for his goal -- he pressed toward the mark of the high
calling in Messiah! He had a clear direction of where he was going and he was
focused on the Lord! How much more should we!
By setting a goal, we are making a decision to act. We
are providing ourselves a map and depending on the Lord to be our compass -- to
provide the direction He wants us to go! A goal is more than a dream -- it's a
dream acted upon. It's not saying "oh, I wish I could" -- it's
declaring what we want to do for the Lord-- it's a declaration of faith!
Let's make our lives interesting -- let's set for
ourselves a goal! Let's make a clear declaration of faith, saying "This is
what I am going to do for the Lord and then press forward!" Let us see
where the Lord will take us in 2017!
Dear Lord, we thank You that You are our map and compass.
Help us rely on You to lead us in the path that You have set for each of us. In
the Name of Jesus, Amen.
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