Matthew 25:29 (ESV)
For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will
have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken
A young reporter wanted to get a feel for agriculture, so
he called upon a farmer and said, "How's your wheat coming along?"
The farmer replied, "I didn't plant any."
"Really?" Asked the reporter. "I thought
this was supposed to be wheat country."
"Some say it is," came the reply. "But I
was afraid we might not see enough rain this year."
"Well, what about your corn. How is it doing?"
The young man inquired.
"Didn't plant corn this year," the farmer said.
"I was afraid of corn blight."
"Nope. Afraid the price might drop."
"Well, then," asked the reporter, "what
did you plant?"
"Nothin'," the farmer said. "I just played
it safe."
Sir High Walpole advised, "Don't play for safety --
it's the most dangerous thing in the world." Of course, unnecessary
risk-taking is foolish. But if life is to be lived fully, then saying NO to
fear and taking that risk may be a necessary step to success.
It takes courage to do what you've never done and go
where you've never been. Whatever huge decision looms before you, your best
solution will likely be made from the side of courage, rather than fear, for in
the end, a fearful decision is a dangerous decision.
Alan Alda puts it like this: "You have to leave the
city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can't
get there by bus, only by hard work, risking, and by not quite knowing what
you're doing. What you'll discover will be wonderful -- yourself."
Does that sound like a place you want to go?
Dear Lord, help us to continue to work hard no matter the
risk. Thank You that You are there to lead and guide us along the way. In the
Name of Jesus, Amen.
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