On Wings Of Eagles

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Family Lessons From the "Dolphin Tale"

Proverbs 22:6 (King James Version)
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

I enjoy seeing a great, inspirational family movie.  Today I did just that when I took my family to see Dolphin Tale This movie is about a fatherless  and lonely boy named Sawyer who finds meaning and purpose in the rehabilitation of a beached dolphin named Winter
Following are some lesson I gleaned from the movie. Some are original and some I read from others that made me think.
·         Great Things Can Come From A Crab Trap – Winter is discovered on the beach tangled up in a crab trap.  What seemed like a potentially fatal situation turned into a story that has inspired thousands of amputees and millions of others.  We all face devastating things in our life.  Always remember that Jesus can make beautiful things out of our pain.
·         “A Turned On Kid” – Sawyer’s mother Lorraine found something that inspired her son and fought to help him continue.  God makes all children unique.  A key to parenting is discovering your children’s uniqueness and leveraging it in a healthy and productive manner. What better way then to be there and be involved.
·         “Can I ask a weird question?” - It was this question posed to Dr. Cameron McCarthy at a VA Hospital that led to the creation of Winter’s prosthetic tale.  Remember there is never a weird question, they all make us think and may lead to a new innovation. For that one weird question Winter is grateful.
·         “No one in their right mind would even try it.  Luckily, I’m not.” –This is one of my favorite lines in the movie. Remember normal is overrated.  If you think you’re weird or don’t fit in, you are the type of person who will one day do great things.
·         “Just because the road before us changes it doesn’t mean we should stop chasing our dream. - There is much patience, sacrifice, pain, effort, and perseverance needed to have your dreams come true.  If you’re thinking of quitting on your dream or what you are most passionate about, please don’t.
·          “Never quit on Winter.  Never quit on yourselves.” - It took over 60 different attempts and variations of prosthetic tales before they discovered one that Winter would not reject.  If God has put something in your heart to be done to serve others and glorify Him, please know that it may take multiple (maybe over 60)  attempts to discover the right combination of resources needed for success.  
·         “Just cause you’re hurt doesn’t mean you’re broken.” – There is a difference between being hurt and broken.  You may be legitimately hurt – physically, emotionally, psychologically, relationally, or financially.  But we must stay the course.  You’re not broken.  You can succeed.
·         Leaders Invest In Other Leaders - During the film, the land the aquarium is located on was purchased by an investor for the purpose of becoming a series beachfront hotels.  However, upon seeing the work by the facility’s director Dr. Clay Haskett, the investor says, “I’m going to keep this open as long as you’ll run it.”   People will buy into a person before they will buy into a dream. Be the person that God wants you to be and the dreams will fall into place.
·         The Importance Of Fathers – The most touching moments of the movie was the last scene when Sawyer was snuggled up with Winter.  This was after he said, “Family is forever.”  Through the different experience  Sawyer had through the movie he truly learned that “Family is forever.”

All in all it was a great movie!  As a movie reviewer would say I give it 5 tail fins out of 5– Dolphins shouldn’t have to replace dads. Let’s not make it so our kids have to find something to replace us.   As a father we need to be there for our family.  Today I took my whole family to see a great movie and had a great time being together. I challenge each father to make an effort to spend time with your wife and children, they are a gift from God and Family is forever

Dear Lord we thank You for our family’s. We pray that we would always treat our family as the gift that they are. We pray that we would always be there for them.in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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