Proverbs 8:11 (New International Version)
for wisdom is more precious than rubies,
and nothing you
desire can compare with her.
So often we encounter people who covet wisdom! With their
heads bowed down into their hands, they wonder if there will ever be a solution
to the impasse they are facing.
We all go through tough times like these, but more often
than not, the decisions we make are far from prudent.
Job, too, the one who faced a myriad of calamities,
wondered the same thing: "But where can wisdom be found? Where does
understanding dwell? Man does not comprehend its worth; it cannot be found in
the land of the living." (Job 28:12-13 NIV)
Is there even such a thing as wisdom?
As you travel in Iceland you will see long barbed-wired
fences with ladders built over them. Why build a barbed-wire fence and then
stick a ladder over it? It seems to make no sense at all.
The more you travel through Iceland though, the more such
ladders over fences you will observe. With some research we discover that the
purpose of these fences was to keep grazing animals corralled, while the
ladders were for tourists who wanted to experience something special within the
containment of the fence, like a natural rocky spiral protruding from the ocean
or a natural waterfall. Quite neat, don't you think?
Truly, "Wisdom is more precious than rubies, and
nothing you desire can compare with her." (Prov 8:11 NIV)
Without these ladders, the tourists of the MacGyver type
would find a way around these fences, and probably damage them. It's amazing
what tourists would do to have a closer look!
One thing about wisdom is for certain: "A fool finds
pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom."
(Prov 10:23 NIV)
Wisdom is not for the wicked. In fact Job was not far off
when he concluded that, "It cannot be found in the land of the
"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in
God's sight." (1 Cor 3:19 NIV)
But is wisdom even possible in this world?
There are ladders over prickly fences in Iceland, aren't
there? So wisdom is indeed available. The first step to wisdom is fear of the
Lord. "The fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom…"
In one of the episodes of Combat Hospital, a doctor who
was in charge of a medical facility in Afghanistan was talking on the phone to
his wife in Canada. Just as she was mentioning that there were some things they
needed to talk about, his beeper went off. An emergency was on its way, and he
didn't get to learn what those "things' were. As a result, he started to
imagine the worst scenarios and his heart was not into his work. He was scared
to death of losing his wife.
The next day when he finally was able to reconnect with
his wife, he discovered that these "things" was to obtain permission
for his 17-year old son to go to a certain concert. Needless to say, his heart
was flooded with relief.
The fear of the Lord is quite similar to what that doctor
went through. The fear of the Lord is all about being scared to death of
wandering away from God and estranging ourselves from the One who is the most
important in our lives.
If we have such a fear of hurting the One who made a
difference in our lives, wisdom is within our reach. Wisdom is, after all, only
obtainable to the ones who hunger for God, as He is the source of all wisdom!
"For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."
Prov 2:6 NIV
If He is the source to all wisdom, the next step for us
is to simply ask Him to give us wisdom. And guess what? It will be given to us!
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all
without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5 NIV
God's wisdom will not only guide us through life, it will
also help us "know Him better
Wisdom is like that ladder over barbed-wired fences. It leads
us beyond the prickly situations of our life. Why not reach for it?
Dear Lord we seek You for wisdom today. We want to be and
to do what You want for us this very day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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