Isaiah 55:8-9 (New International Version)
8 “For my thoughts
are not your thoughts,
neither are your
ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways
higher than your ways
and my thoughts
than your thoughts.
James Hector was a surveyor. In 1858, his job was to seek
safe passage through the Canadian Rockies for the upcoming Canadian Pacific
While mapping the Kicking Horse Pass, he ran out of food,
was kicked by his horse (thus the name, "Kicking Horse Pass") and
nearly died of exhaustion while struggling to climb the final steep pitch of
that "Big Hill" as the locals called it. Needless to say, he
recommended that this particular pass was far too dangerous for a railroad.
Instead, he suggested the Yellowhead Pass, two hundred kilometers to the north,
which had a much gentler slope.
Despite his warnings, the railway decided in favor of the
Kicking Horse Pass. Their reasons were simple:
- The Kicking Horse Pass was more adequately located in
the South, enough to block any American competition (we had to be careful of
those Yankees!)
- The Kicking Horse Pass was shorter than the Yellow head
Pass and would require 122 km less rail line.
Once build, it was discovered that in order for a
fifteen-car train to climb the "Big Hill" (which was FAR from being a
hill, believe me!), four extra pusher engines were needed. Even with those four
extra engines, the ascent was slow and tedious. Once at the summit, the worst
was not yet behind them. The train then had to descend a very steep slope. The
first train to try this derailed, plunged into a nearby river, and killed three
Being aware that tourism would plunge (literally!) When
they heard the news, the railway authorities quickly convened. They decided to
build three spur lines to catch any runaway trains. The spur switches were left
open, and the switchmen were instructed to not close them unless they were
certain the train was not a "runaway".
This system was used for the next twenty-five years. I'm
sure that if I had lived in that day and age, my kids would have seen this
particular ride as a roller coaster and would have begged to take the train to
British Columbia. I, on the other hand, would have avoided it at all costs! I
can only hope that most of the people of that time were wise enough to ignore
their kids and choose safety! But even when there weren't passengers on the
trains, the train conductors hauling cargo to British Columbia were still
putting their lives at risk.
Desiring to keep their passengers and train machinery
safe, the Canadian Pacific Railway addressed this problem in 1909 by building
the "Spiral Tunnels". Trains would now pass through a series of
tunnels, with each tunnel making a complete spiraling turn under the original
pass as the railway gradually ascended and descended the "Big Hill"
of Kicking Horse Pass. As the tunnels spiraled upward, trains actually crossed
over and under themselves!
Though the addition of the tunnels doubled the length of
the pass, the grade was cut in half. Now only two engines were needed to haul
the cargo of 15 wagons, and they were able to make the ascent at five times the
speed. Traveling from the Canadian east coast to the west was finally safe.
So often we make foolish decisions that negatively affect
ourselves and those around us. Only by depending completely on God for all of
our decisions can we be assured of wisdom beyond our abilities.
Dear Lord we pray that we would completely rely upon You.
We pray that when it’s time to make decisions, we would look to You in all that
we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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