Luke 2:15 (New International Version)
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the
shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that
has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
There once was a candy maker who wanted to make a candy
that would be very special for Christmas. He decided to make a candy cane
because he knew he could include a lot of signs and symbols to celebrate the
true meaning of Christmas.
began with a stick of pure white hard candy. He used white as a symbol that
Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary who was always so pure and holy. He made it
hard and crunchy to symbolize the solid rock on which the church is founded.
He bent
over the top of the candy cane to make a hook like a shepherd’s staff. He
remembered that Jesus called himself “The Good Shepherd” The candy maker
remembered too that the first people who come to worship Jesus at the manger
after he was born were shepherds. Then the candy maker looked at his candy cane
and thought it looked a little plain. “It needs some color,” he said. Something
red,” he thought. “That will give it Christmas look!” So, he began to stain the
white candy cane with red stripes. First, he put on three thin red stripes. You
see, he remembered that Jesus went through terrible torture before he died and
was whipped across his back. The candy maker decided that the red stripes on
the candy cane would remind everybody that Jesus shed his blood for us when he
died on the cross on Good Friday.
candy maker was doing well with his candy cane. He had a lot signs of Jesus in
there but he wasn’t satisfied. Then he began to pray, “Dear Jesus, help me to
make my candy cane show the true meaning of Christmas.” Then suddenly the candy
cane slipped from his hands. It fell upside down on the floor. When he looked,
he noticed that the candy cane was no longer a candy cane, but it was the
letter “J”. It stands for “Jesus.” Jesus is really what Christmas is all about.
Dear Lord we pray this Christmas season we won’t forget
the True meaning of Christmas. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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