1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV)
However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has
and what no human mind has conceived”—
the things God
has prepared for those who love him—
Today’s verse reminds me of a story I read the other day
by Rick Potter from Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Enjoy the Journey.
I love living in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, but I
think that my heart will always be in Muskoka, Ontario, where my grandfather's
cottage, nicknamed "Birch Haven" has stood since 1933. For as long as
I can remember, as soon as school ended, my family would begin that five-hour
journey to Birch Haven, a trip punctuated by numerous bathroom breaks, radiator
cool-downs, and of course, ice cream stops.
I have wonderful memories of growing up in those summers
in Muskoka, with family, cousins, and friends -- swimming, boating, sailing,
water-skiing, or just lying in the sun on the dock.
Today, for my own family, the journey is even longer: a
five-hour plane ride to Ottawa now precedes the long drive to Birch Haven.
Sometimes, the air travel is rough, and the drive late at night is exhausting.
But the anticipation, as I get closer to the cottage, is still the same.
When my mother realizes it's me, she'll typically come
running from the cottage, with arms open. As we hug together, I quickly forget
how long the journey has been, the welcome and the promise of cottage life
making it worthwhile.
Sometimes, our journey here on earth seems long. There
are delays, times when the way is rough, times when we wonder whether it's all
worthwhile. These are the times when we need to depend on God, our pilot,
assured that He knows the way and will lead us to a safe haven -- our eternal
home. Jesus will be waiting for us there, running to meet us, arms
outstretched, for He has gone ahead to prepare the mansion, a room that has
been waiting for us since the beginning of time. When we are welcomed into our
Saviour's loving arms, we will forget the journey -- for finally, we are home.
Dear Lord, thank You for taking care of us each day as we
journey through life. We pray that You will continue to guide us through the good
times and the bad. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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