Romans 5:6-8 (ESV)
6 For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ
died for the ungodly. 7 For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though
perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— 8 but God shows his love
for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Army Specialist Dennis P. Weichel, Jr. And his unit were
in a convoy patrolling Laghman Province in eastern Afghanistan.
On the road ahead there were children -- children who
were earning a few pennies by picking up spent brass shell casings. At the
request of the soldiers the children all got out of the way -- all except one:
a young boy. The boy ran back to pick up some casings that were in the path of
a Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected vehicle (a heavily armored truck.)
To save the boy's life, Specialist Weichel moved quickly
and lifted the lad out of the way of the truck. In doing so, Weichel himself
was hit and later died of his injuries.
Specialist Weichel had a lot to live for. Back home in
Rhode Island, he had three children and a woman whom he loved. I wonder: did he
have time to think about them? Is it possible they were his motivation to make
the sacrifice he did?
Nobody will ever know.
Weichel died for someone who was weak. Over these last
centuries, there have been many others who have served our country and their
comrades with equal selflessness and bravery. Just like that little boy, we
should always be indebted to such brave and giving hearts.
To give your life for another person ... Scripture
rightly points out such an action calls for a special individual. To give your
life for someone who is unappreciative and may even laugh at your death is
Still, that is the kind of person our Savior was. Rather
than seeing us be steamrolled by death, He fulfilled God's Law, resisted the
devil's temptation, and died the death we deserved. His was a job no one else
would do; it was a job nobody else could do.
Dear Lord, we give thanks that while we were sinner You
came into this world to take our place. Now may Your gift impact us enough so we
might freely reflect to others the love we have received from You. In the Name
of Jesus. Amen.
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