As I was sitting at my desk thinking about what to write about today I was watching my turtle Methuselah and he reminded of a story I read about once a while ago.
Three turtles went on a Sunday afternoon picnic. One carried the basket of food, one carried a jug of turtle-aid, and the third turtle didn’t carry anything. They got everything set up and then felt rain drops. The two turtles agreed that the one who carried nothing should go back and get the umbrella. The third turtle said, “No, because you’ll eat all the turtle food and drink all the turtle aid, and I won’t have any.” Finally he agreed to go back for the umbrella. One hour, two hours, three hours went by, and then one day, one week, and two weeks passed. One of the turtles said, “Well, I guess we can eat the turtle food and drink the turtle aid because he’s not coming back.” Then they heard something over in the bushes say, “If you do, I won’t go.” Most of us are like the third turtle. We’re afraid that if we jump out there and do something, we might miss the picnic. The truth is, we’ll miss the big picnic by not trusting God and doing our part.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
- Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
Dear Lord , we pray that we would always trust you. We pray that we will take the time to acknowledge You in everything. In Jesus’ name, amen
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